
"There are no short cuts to anywhere worth going"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Plan

Ok, here is the plan for the next eight months. I leave school in two days and fly home to Ohio. I'll spend the holidays with the usual suspects. On January 5th I will take a bus to New York City and work film production with some contacts I made last summer (on the set of "Sleepwalkers") for about a month. On about February 5th I will come home to Ohio to prepare for four months in Seoul, S. Korea studying at Korea University.

I leave for Korea on February 15th, I'll land in Seoul on the next day after a 13 hour flight! I hope to spend a day wondering the city before the program starts on the 17th. I'll meet up with my group "AsiaLearn" and we'll do some fun get-to-know-the-culture stuff for a few days, then I believe classes start on March 1st. After a semester studying and learning at KU, I will travel to Japan and spend 10 days in Tokyo experiencing that culture before I fly back to the US on July 1st.

When I get home I will recover for a few days, then go back to NYC to work again for another month before school starts again in late August.

Sound fun? I sure think so! Check back for more updates, photos and videos in the coming months!

Also, look at my other website, Triangle Pass Productions, based on my professional life. I'll post plenty of NYC updates there as well. Enjoy!


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